Another Stupid Gringa

Monday, May 29, 2006


I love the idea of social work—the foundation, the philosophy, and the goals of the early pioneers. I feel proud to be a social worker and part of a profession that considers the human condition in the larger context of social justice and human rights. Despite my pride, I am often frustrated and disheartened by the misconceptions and "typical" view of social work.

A recent conversation exemplifies my point. A few weeks ago, I went to a party with a friend of mine who had just started working as a volunteer coordinator and case manager at a social service agency. She and I began speaking with another guest and he asked my friend what she did for a living. After he commented on her answer, she corrected him, “well, I’m not a ‘social worker,’ but ---- is.” He responded, “What do you mean? Doesn’t ‘social work’ just come from having experience?” She looked at me uncomfortably and said, “Well, you need a Masters, don’t you?” I smiled to hide my annoyance and explained that yes, one needs to earn a Masters in social work and even a license!

If she said she was working at a law firm but wasn’t a “lawyer,” would he have asked the same question? Does anyone think that an accountant, a lawyer, a teacher, or a psychologist can just “become one from experience?” The confusion translates across languages as well. Someone was speaking at my school the other day and announced, in English, that he worked as a case manager at a mental health program. When he repeated the same statement in Spanish he used the term, “trabajador social.” Social worker.


Blogger Gael said...

Hi there,

I came across your blog while randomly surfing blogger and I see you haven't had any comments yet. Just thought I'd let you know someone is reading and likes what you have to say! It sounds like you must have a very interesting life and profession.

I'll call back from time to time, good luck.

11:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ASG I love your Blog! Sorry it took me so long to catch up. I read it all love your fellow Latina Social worker...Mil. I feel like I need a catchy name like yours. Great, open and honest thoughts! Super Latina! That's me, ready to dance merengue in a single flight! Supposedly. I know exactly what you mean.

7:37 PM  

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